Valve has announced that it plans to officially unveil its Valve Index VR headset on May 1. A product page for the device is also believed to have gone live on Steam yesterday, but has since apparently been taken down. The page reportedly listed a June 15 shipping date for the upcoming device.
The short-lived listing also revealed that the minimum hardware required for Windows computers to use the headset will include a dual-core processor with hyper-threading, 8GB of RAM and a GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon RX480 GPU, although, recommended specs include a quad-core CPU alongside a GTX 1070 GPU.
In a correspondence with The Verge, Valve spokesman Doug Lombardi described the specs listed on the page as "accurate", saying: "The tech info on that page, while not comprehensive, is accurate".
The short-lived listing also revealed that the minimum hardware required for Windows computers to use the headset will include a dual-core processor with hyper-threading, 8GB of RAM and a GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon RX480 GPU, although, recommended specs include a quad-core CPU alongside a GTX 1070 GPU.
In a correspondence with The Verge, Valve spokesman Doug Lombardi described the specs listed on the page as "accurate", saying: "The tech info on that page, while not comprehensive, is accurate".
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